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School Kit Drive
Sharing the Essentials

At the heart of Youth for Seva's (YFS) philanthropic endeavors lies the School Kit Drive, a beacon of hope aimed at ensuring every child can step into the classroom with pride and dignity.

The initiative is grounded in the belief that education is a right, not a privilege, and seeks to address the glaring statistic that less than half of India’s child population, which constitutes a staggering 40%, receives formal schooling.

Moreover, the journey of learning is cut short for many, with only one-third reaching Grade 8. Financial constraints, lack of essential school supplies, and parental indifference towards education often culminate in a child's premature exit from the educational system.

Goal: Rs900,000.00
Collected: Rs0.00


Our Impact
Your active support and contribution has made a significant impact in our
neighborhood and we look forward to many more such engagements.

Building a Child’s Future

The School Kit Sponsorship program, pioneered by YFS, strikes at the root of this issue by providing the necessary school materials to children, especially in the remote corners of various states across India.

Through the generous contributions of our donors, we have managed to put smiles on the faces of 61,103 children in the academic year 2020-21, as evidenced by the noted increase in student enrollments.

The positive impact of this initiative has not only bolstered the confidence of these young minds but has also rejuvenated the educational landscape. In the upcoming year, we are setting our sights even higher, with a goal of distributing over 75,000 School Kits. Join us in this mission to empower the youth, the very fabric of our nation, one kit at a time.


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