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Give Paper Back 2019

15 Apr 2019 3:00 PM | Deleted user

Ever thought of benefits in saving paper or recycling

According to research 17% students dropout of school at secondary level and major reason being financial inconsistency due to unemployed parents is the main cause of school drop. On the other hand deforestation is one of the main environmental problems we’re facing in these times. For every 8,333 sheets of paper a huge tree is being felled. Is it really worth it to cut down our life saving trees for this product? Over 200 Crore unused sheets of paper is reaching the landfills every year just in Karnataka. To address these multidimensional issues Youth for Seva aims to run a project “Give Paper Back”, by reusing the unused books at the end of academic year.

This project initiated by YFS in the year 2016. Lead the project and be a part of our team to produce thousands of note-books from unused pages of old books, wherein we collect notebooks from Schools , colleges and apartments . Collected books will be segregated and the unused sheets will be further rebound and generated as new books.

Hence generated books will be given with another project “School kit drive”. In this the underprivileged children throughout Karnataka are provided 1school bag , geometric instruments and books.

Last year we collected 1,73,500 books with the help of 1024 Volunteers. More than 43,000 children were benefited.

What Can You Do?

Give Paper Back campaigning and collection can be initiated in your schools, apartments, colleges and communities provided books collected should be dropped off to Chamarjpet by  25th April,2019. We need volunteers who can take up leadership roles and monitor the collection,segregation and transportation of books in various parts of Bengaluru.

Please do revert for further clarifications: Bhargavi Nagabhushan +91 73378 13526

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