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Embark on a journey of innovation and discovery with our STEM Lab, where the exciting world of Robotics serves as the gateway to understanding the intricate relationship between science, engineering, and mathematics.

Our lab is a playground for the mind, offering children a hands-on experience with gears, linkages, levers, and motors. Through semi-structured play and experimentation, young learners uncover the principles of cause and effect, force and motion, laying the foundation for a lifelong love of learning.

At the heart of our program is the drive to nurture critical and inventive thinking skills. By constructing their own robots, students are not just learning—they are becoming thinkers and creators. Our plan to establish a pilot lab and a mobile lab in collaboration with Techoanveshana is poised to bring this innovative education to even more children.

Goal: Rs900,000.00
Collected: Rs0.00


Our Impact
Your active support and contribution has made a significant impact in our
neighborhood and we look forward to many more such engagements.

Brighter Future for Children with STEM Labs

In addition to robotics, our STEM Lab introduces children to coding through a pictorial-based software environment that is perfect for early learners. This intuitive approach to programming fosters logical thinking skills without requiring any prior experience.

It's a leap from mere computer literacy to the vast potential of computer science, exploring the benefits of block-based visual programming languages. As children learn to code, they unlock their creativity and capacity for innovation.

By integrating Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics, our STEM Lab doesn't just teach children about the world—it empowers them to build the future.


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